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Old May 4th, 2006, 09:21 AM
jgd jgd is offline
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Default DataGrid row back color related to datalist id's

Thanks for any help in advance! I am writing an album proofing application with asp.net 2.0. I have a photo listing on the left with an "add" button column which adds images to a datalist on the right. After the add button is clicked I turn the row blue to indicate that the image was added to the preview datalist on the right by using e.Item.BackColor = Drawing.System.AliceBlue. However, this highlight needs to stick throughout the building of the album, including page refresh. My idea was to check the datakeys value of the datalist and then turn any matching rows in the datagrid blue, each time the datalist is bound. This will work because the datakey fields used are the same. My problems is the code to check the values in the datalist and then making the rows blue in the datagrid. Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated. I have code samples of what I have so far and I can post them if anyone would like to see what I have so far....


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