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Old April 17th, 2006, 05:28 PM
limkimh88 limkimh88 is offline
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Hi all and Mike, our program is reading metadata from a pic and add them onto my tree structure, with parent and child relationship. And yes, i'm suppose to create nodes once i've obtain metadata from the pic.
Our program is to have a single root, multiple parents and childs, so, the number of child could get on and on, it depends on the number of metadata found on the pic (jpx format)

Do u know how to walk down and across the tree and compare the latest node information with all the pervious nodes found in the tree? Like


New node coming in (parent = Earth, child = Russia), this node must be able to compare with all the nodes in my tree sructure in order to see where it should be attached to. If successful, it should look like this,

Secondly, if user input (parent = USA, child = Washington) the tree should look like this,


We are thinking of linking and comparing each child node with labal and ROI-Region of Interest comparison method. Do u know how to compare by ROI method, coz, it is a important part of our project doing.

We really need help, if anyone could enlighten us, pls do help.

Thanks a million.

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