IIS 6 error 80040e14
Windows 2003, IIS 6
I receive the following error performing an INSERT:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
SQL Statement:INSERT INTO [Demographics] (Gender, Age, Ethnicity, privschoolk6, privschool78, privschool9b, segschoolk6, segschool78, segschool9b, segcollegesem, hsCourse, morehs, morehsyears, colCourse, morec, morecyears, professionuse, professionarea) VALUES ('male',17,1,7,2,4,7,2,4,8,'hsalg1, hsalg2, hsgeom, hstrig, hsprecalc, hscalc, hsbio, hschem1, hschem2, hsphys',True,4,'ccalc1, ccalc2, ccalc3, cbiol1, cbiol2, cichem1, cichem2, cochem1, cochem2, cphys1, cphys2, cphys3, cstats',True,8,'usually','engineer')
I have checked permissions and verified IUSR has Full Control (I know - overkill).
I do the same thing on a Windows 2000, IIS 5 server and it works correctly.
In both cases all drives are NTFS and IUSR has full control over the MDB and directory in which the MDB file exists.
Any ideas?