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Old October 4th, 2004, 10:10 AM
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Default How can I merge two databases and tickets tables?

The basic code I have as below, to merge Tickets1 table into Tickets table, provided you brought in Tickets1 via Get External Data..

How would I merge database on c:\dir1\event.mde (table tickets) into f:\dir3\subdir\event.mde (table tickets)?

Private Sub Command1_Click()
''INSERT INTO maintable SELECT * from temptable WHERE someidfield NOT IN (select someidfield FROM maintable)
Dim strLogs As String

strLogs = "INSERT INTO [Tickets] SELECT * FROM [Tickets1] WHERE [TicketID] NOT IN (SELECT [TicketID] FROM [Tickets]);"
DoCmd.RunSQL strLogs
End Sub

Old October 4th, 2004, 12:58 PM
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I found out I could do the TransferDataBase and export, but it replaces the table instead of merging them..

help please.

Old October 5th, 2004, 01:07 PM
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You should link one of your tables in the other database file. Create a append query. This should allow you to append the records from table A into table B.


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