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Old October 14th, 2005, 12:59 PM
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Default Draw Line from coordinates

I have a string with a bunch of x and y coordinates. I was wondering is there anything in Access like there is a picture box in Visual Basic for CE so that I can just write
Object.Line coordinates or Object.DrawLine coordinates
I noticed I can do this on a report, but I need to do it on a form.

Thanks any help is would be great,

Old October 14th, 2005, 01:41 PM
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You can do this by drawing segments of lines and then making them invisible, and then depending on your need, you can control the segments programmatically in the Form's On Current or On Load etc events.

The catch here is that you have to control the lines using twips (1440 per inch).

Here is some code I used to make a Vertical line visible, 3 inches from the left, two inches from the top, and one inch long:

Private Sub Form_Current()
    Me.Line30.Left = 4320
    Me.Line30.Top = 2880
    Me.Line30.Height = 1440
    Me.Line30.Visible = True
End Sub

It's not elegant, but it will work. If you make your form templates have a library of invisible vertical, horizontal and which ever angle on them, then you can grab the ones you want and move them around with code.



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