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October 31st, 2005, 01:03 PM
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Print to PDF - Can This Be Done?
I work for a bank owned by a bank holding corporation with 35+ banks and 280+ branches in 5 states. Our corporate IT office has an "approved" list of applications from which we can choose. We cannot purchase and/or install any other applications on our computers, period. :-(
With that said, we do have the Acrobat Distiller on our computers. And I'm wondering if it is possible, with VBA, to take the 40+ reports I have to generate from Access each month and print each page of the reports to a separate PDF file? I want to be able to specify the report name and location in the VBA code, rather than typing it in for each page of each report. These reports are sales incentive reports for loan officers, and each page of the reports has a field that contains the officer names. It would be wonderful to be able to use the contents of that field from each page as part of the file name.
Am I making any sense? Can this even be done? If so, are there any online code examples that will help me figure it out? If you are going to tell me to go anywhere and download anything, please don't respond to my inquiry. As I stated at the beginning of this message, I simply can't do that.
Any help would be most appreciated!
November 1st, 2005, 04:09 AM
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Yes it can be done. Adobe has sample code. You could also use the Access built in Snaphot format and viewer that is part of Office.
I can not give you any code examples since you said that you can not download anything.
"Hi Tech Coach"
Access Based Accounting/Business Solutions developer.
November 2nd, 2005, 05:53 PM
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You said you "cannot purchase and/or install any other applications on our computers." Then you said, "If you are going to tell me to go anywhere and download anything, please don't respond to my inquiry. As I stated at the beginning of this message, I simply can't do that."
Please note that those two things -- installing applications vs. downloading -- are not necessarily the same thing.
Here at my job, I can download applications, e.g. EXE files, but I CANNOT INSTALL them without administrator rights. I can, however, download Word documents (DOC), Excel spreadsheets (XLS), etc. and open them up via Microsoft Office, which the IT people already put on my computer. I can DOWNLOAD everything, but I cannot INSTALL anything.
Can you, for instance, download a Word document or an Acrobat PDF file or an ASCII text file? You're downloading a file but you're not installing anything. If you can, someone can copy and paste code into a file for you to download. You can copy and paste into your VBA procedure simply by opening up Word or Acrobat Reader or NotePad, respectively, and getting the code from the file.
If you cannot download AT ALL, whether it be applications or any file whatsoever, people can still point you to a website and you can copy and paste code from there.
Greg Serrano
Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division
November 3rd, 2005, 12:54 PM
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I would look into this library:
I haven't tried, it yet, but I would be interested in others feedback.
You may not have to install anything, and just create a reference to this library.
January 9th, 2007, 07:45 PM
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I am interested in the sample Adobe code. Where can I obtain it?
quote:Originally posted by AccessMaster
Yes it can be done. Adobe has sample code. You could also use the Access built in Snaphot format and viewer that is part of Office.
I can not give you any code examples since you said that you can not download anything.
"Hi Tech Coach"
Access Based Accounting/Business Solutions developer.
January 11th, 2007, 05:02 AM
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More advice than anything...
Dont code it.
Your business estate has Adobe Distiller as a print driver, simply let people chose to print to that device or another. If you expect most users to use the distiller, then format the report for the specific driver, but why restrict them ... having said that, there are other perfectly good reasons and some perfectly good code out there for this kind of thing... my 2p worth.