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Old October 9th, 2006, 11:57 AM
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Default index lost when export to csv file


I have a number of indexed tables I need to export in a csv file. But for some reason, the index is "lost" during the export.

Here is my code:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "BrokersBSpecs", _
   "BrokersBCSV", "k:\brokerB.csv", False

The "brokersBSpecs" has the specifications for the export and it also includes the index.

Do anyone of you know how I can keep my index.

Thank you!:)

Old October 10th, 2006, 01:57 PM
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I usually go the long way around and create a text file using Scriptng.FileSystemObject and then creating a local recordset on the data, and then writing a line at a time in the format I want. I like to code, though. You wouldn't be the first person to call me a brute force coder.

Need help on this? Maybe another poster has a more elegant solution. I would have thought the specification file would do it.


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