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Old September 20th, 2007, 04:29 AM
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Default Change tbl permissions using VBA

I am creating a system that logs visits to site, using a sql backend, access front end. Now loading the front end I have a procedure which creates a local mdb file in the users my documents folder. The purpose of the local mdb file is that it gives the user an offline record of all their visits.

When there are design changes which involve additional tables adding to the local mdb, I want to run on startup a sql query to check whether table exists in the local mdb. So I do a Select Query of MSysObjects where name='tblname'.

However when I load up the front end I get an error saying Record cannot be read, no read permission of MsysObject. Now I can obviously go into the VB Created Mdb and alter the permissions. However that is no good when I need to distribute to 100 workstations.

What I need is, VB code to alter the permissions on the MsysObject, when I create the Local Mdb.

Any Idea's??

Old October 12th, 2007, 01:19 AM
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Check out this:

Sample Code to Check for Table or Query in a Database

"Hi Tech Coach"
Access Based Accounting/Business Solutions developer.

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