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Old May 16th, 2008, 07:54 AM
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Default Access and SQL query Issue

Hi All
My Access applcation crash when running this query from Access Query Desinger but work fine in SQL

SQL ---- return 15 rows

SELECT Orders.MID, Orders.TotalValue, Sum(OBook.Value) AS SumOfValue,
min(Orders.CID) AS FirstOfCID,
min(Orders.Customer) AS FirstOfCustomer,
min(Orders.Date) AS FirstOfDate,
Orders.PostToBook, Customers.Rep, Customers.InternalRep,
Count(CountOfProInvoices.CountOfKeyNum) AS CountOfCountOfKeyNum

FROM ((Orders LEFT JOIN OBook ON Orders.MID = OBook.MID)

INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CID = Customers.CID)
LEFT JOIN CountOfProInvoices ON Orders.MID = CountOfProInvoices.MID

GROUP BY Orders.MID, Orders.TotalValue, Orders.PostToBook, Customers.Rep, Customers.InternalRep

HAVING (((Sum(OBook.Value))>[TotalValue]+0.01 Or (Sum(OBook.Value))<[TotalValue]-0.01)
AND ((min(Orders.Date))>='16-Apr-2008 ')
AND ((Orders.PostToBook)=1)) OR (((Orders.TotalValue)<>0)
AND ((Sum(OBook.Value)) Is Null) AND ((min(Orders.Date))>=' 16-Apr-2008 ') AND ((Orders.PostToBook)=1))

Access--- This query Hang and no response ultimatly need to shut down access query designer.

SELECT Orders.MID, Orders.TotalValue, Sum(OBook.Value) AS SumOfValue, First(Orders.CID) AS FirstOfCID, First(Orders.Customer) AS FirstOfCustomer, First(Orders.Date) AS FirstOfDate, Orders.PostToBook, Customers.Rep, Customers.InternalRep, Count(CountOfProInvoices.CountOfKeyNum) AS CountOfCountOfKeyNum
FROM ((Orders LEFT JOIN OBook ON Orders.MID = OBook.MID)

INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.CID = Customers.CID) LEFT JOIN CountOfProInvoices ON Orders.MID = CountOfProInvoices.MID

GROUP BY Orders.MID, Orders.TotalValue, Orders.PostToBook, Customers.Rep, Customers.InternalRep

HAVING (((Sum(OBook.Value))>[TotalValue]+0.01 Or (Sum(OBook.Value))<[TotalValue]-0.01)
AND ((First(Orders.Date))>=#4/16/2008#)
AND ((Orders.PostToBook)=True)) OR (((Orders.TotalValue)<>0)
AND ((Sum(OBook.Value)) Is Null) AND ((First(Orders.Date))>=#4/16/2008#) AND ((Orders.PostToBook)=True));

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