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Old May 20th, 2008, 10:49 AM
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Default Solved - rs.FindFirst and Multiple Column ComboBox

Hello All:

I am having another problem with my record lookup. I might have multiple orders in the 'Orders Table' with the same name but different parameters (PrimaryWorkGroup, SecondaryWorkGroup). What is happening is if I have a record like this:

Order PrimaryWorkGroup SecondaryWorkGroup
Glucose ED ED
Glucose ED-Council ED-Council

If I select the first one, the second one will display. If I select the second one, the second one will display

Another example:

Order PrimaryWorkGroup SecondaryWorkGroup
Chem7 ED
Chem7 ED-Council

Note that there is no PrimaryWorkGroup..If I select either one it
will display the first one.

The issue has to do with multiple orders. If there is a singular order and I select it, it will display fine. Any ideas?

I am using Access XP. I have an unbound combo box that is set for displaying three columns and the bound column is one. I have a query in the rowsource as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT [OrderName], [PrimaryWorkGroup], [SecondaryWorkGroup] FROM Orders ORDER BY [OrderName], [PrimaryWorkGroup], [SecondaryWorkGroup];

Here is what I have in my after_update subroutine:

Private Sub cbosOrderName_AfterUpdate()
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[OrderName] = '" & Me![cbosOrderName] & "'"

'rs.FindFirst ("[OrderName] = '" & Me![cbosOrderName] & "' AND '[PrimaryWorkGroup] = '" & Me.cbosOrderName.Column(3) & "' AND '[SecondaryWorkGroup] = '" & Me.cbosOrderName.Column(4) & "'")
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

Thank you for any advice,
Old May 20th, 2008, 03:21 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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I resolved it. I created an autonumber primary key which made the table unique and then it worked fine.

I also added this:

rs.FindFirst "[OrderNumber] = " & Str(Nz(Me![cbosOrderName], 0))


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