I've posted this before, but you may find it useful. It uses ADOX to dynamically set parameters for stored procedures called by pass-through queries.
The following executes a parameterized stored procedure against the SQL Server version of the Northwind database using a DSN-less ODBC connection. The query returns a single employee record using EmployeeID as criteria.
First the pass-through query get's built, then a stored procedure gets created on SQL Server which the pass-through query will execute, then some code gets written to re-build the pass-through query everytime a new employee record is requested.
The ExecutePassThrough sub recieves an Employee ID number as an argument and concatenates it to the Pass-Through query's SQL. BuildPassThrough is then called which uses ADOX to reset the pass-through query's command text.
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Design the Pass-Through Query in Access (.mdb)
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1. In Query design view, from the main menu select Query | SQL Specific | Pass-Through.
2. Type "EXEC up_parmsel_Employees" as the query's SQL statement.
3. Click the properties button on the Toolbar to open the Query properties dialog. Enter the following DSN-less connection string in the ODBC Connect Str property:
ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local); _
NT authentication is used here.
All the other default properties are fine. Clicking the ellipsis in the ODBC Connect Str property field will open the DSN Data Source dialog if you want to use a DSN.
4. Save the query as "qsptEmployees" and close without running (the stored procedure doesn't exit yet).
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Create the Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000
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1. With SQL Server running open the Query Analyzer.
2. Select the Northwind database form the Toolbar's drop-down list.
3. Type the following SQL in the Query Analyzer, parse, and run:
CREATE PROC up_parmsel_Employees
@EmployeeID int = NULL
SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Title
FROM Northwind.dbo.Employees
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
4. Test that the proc was created successfully by clearing the Query Analyzer window and running the following command in the Query analyzer:
Exec up_parmsel_Employees 1
A single employee record for "Nancy Davolio" should be displayed. The query and the proc it executes are now ready to go. Just need code to set the parameter that the proc expects.
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Write the Parameter Setting Module in Access
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1. Open a new module in Access and set a Reference to ADOX (Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.x for DDL and Security) library.
2. Paste in the following two subs:
Public Sub ExecutePassThrough(lngParam As Long)
Dim strTSQL As String
Dim strQueryName As String
strQueryName = "qsptEmployees"
strTSQL = "EXEC up_parmsel_Employees " & lngParam
Call BuildPassThrough(strQueryName, strTSQL)
DoCmd.OpenQuery strQueryName
End Sub
Public Sub BuildPassThrough( _
ByVal strQName As String, _
ByVal strSQL As String)
Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Set cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = cat.Procedures(strQName).Command
' Verify query is a pass-through query
cmd.Properties( _
"Jet OLEDB:ODBC Pass-Through Statement") = True
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set cat.Procedures(strQName).Command = cmd
Set cmd = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
End Sub
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Test the Procedures, Resetting the Queries Parameters
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1. In the immediate window, type the following and hit Enter:
ExecutePassThrough (1)
2. A query should open in datasheet view displaying Nancy Davolio's employee record.
Or you could return the result set to an ADO recordset with:
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open strQueryName, CurrentProject.AccessConnection
You could use the following syntax:
lngParam = [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtSearchValue]
Call ExecutePassThrough(lngParam)
to set the whole thing in motion.