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April 22nd, 2005, 03:49 PM
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Compare only the date portion of a datetime field
I need to extract the date portion of a datetime column .
Sample SQL
"Project Sub ID",
"Staff Name",
"Status Reporting Date"
"Project Sub ID" = '1451291 Purge/Archival Processing' and
"Staff Name" = 'Pradhan, Ismail' and
"Status Reporting Date" = '04/15/2005'.
The "Status Reporting Date" is a datetime field , so it is stored as '04/15/2005 14:55:56".
In the above compare it does not match because it is comparing '04/15/2005 14:55:56" with '04/15/2005 00:00:00'.
Is there some built in function in Access I can apply to my SQL to get to only the date part of the "Status Reporting Date" field ?
Appreciate your help.

April 23rd, 2005, 01:14 AM
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Use format to remove the time part
Note:Dont forget to use the CDATE to convert back to date if you have to use logical opertors
EG: CDate(Format([Status Reporting Date],"mm/dd/yyyy")) = = '04/15/2005'.

April 23rd, 2005, 11:14 AM
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Thank you for your help.
I will try first it thing in the morning Monday and let you know.

April 25th, 2005, 09:56 AM
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I tried your example and it did not work. I get a "syntax error in query expression" message.
Here is what I tried :
"Project Id" as project_id,
"Project Sub Id" as project_sub_id,
"Staff Name" as staff_name,
"Status Reporting Date" as reporting_dt,
CDate( Format(["Status Reporting Date"],"mm/dd/yyyy") ) = '04/15/2005' ;
status ;
I am running this query against Microsoft Access 2002.
Also, I tried the quesry with "= = " also ( 2 equal signs ) , that did not work too. I thought the 2 equal signs was a Java thing.
I did a serach in Access help for CDATE and it came up completely blank.
I removed CDate and tried and got the same error
"Project Id" as project_id,
"Project Sub Id" as project_sub_id,
"Staff Name" as staff_name,
"Status Reporting Date" as reporting_dt,
Format(["Status Reporting Date"],"mm/dd/yyyy") = '04/15/2005' ;
status ;
Can you see what I am doing wrong ?
Appreciate your help

April 25th, 2005, 11:49 AM
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I also tried it this way
"Project Id" as project_id,
"Project Sub Id" as project_sub_id,
"Staff Name" as staff_name,
"Status Reporting Date" as reporting_dt,
Format(["Status Reporting Date"],"mm/dd/yyyy") = #04/15/2005# ;
I thought I needed the "#" for the date , but still no luck.

April 26th, 2005, 08:12 AM
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The syntax you were given was for the WHERE clause, not the SELECT clause.
You need to name the field when you create a formated field in the SELECT part of your query like:
Format([Status Reporting Date],"mm/dd/yyyy") as reporting_dt
For your WHERE clause use either:
Format([Status Reporting Date],"mm/dd/yyyy") = "04/15/2005"
CDate(Format([Status Reporting Date],"mm/dd/yyyy")) = #04/15/2005#
Randall J Weers
Membership Vice President
Pacific NorthWest Access Developers Group

April 27th, 2005, 01:06 AM
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I agree with Randall, and sorry for the "= =", It was typeing mistake.