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Old December 19th, 2005, 03:09 PM
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Default too few variables when running sql qry through vba

I am attempting to call a query from VBA through a form and receive an error message that there are too few variables. Can anyone tell me where i've gone wrong in my sql? i'm trying to pull the last 4 records in my main table (Email_Data) and ensure that the primary key (Count_ID) contains a cycle of numbers i am attempting to assign to each record.

SELECT TOP 4 tbl_Email_Data.Count_ID, tbl_Email_Data.queue_key
FROM tbl_AssocTbl INNER JOIN tbl_Email_Data ON tbl_AssocTbl.Queue = tbl_Email_Data.queue_key
WHERE (((tbl_AssocTbl.cycled_ind)=True) AND ((tbl_Email_Data.request_type) Not In ("rt14")))
GROUP BY tbl_Email_Data.queue_key
ORDER BY Last(tbl_Email_Data.Count_ID);
Old December 19th, 2005, 03:37 PM
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Your query doesn't have any parameters, so I'd assume "variable" is referring to a variable in your code.

Before running your SQL from code, paste it in the query designer and run it there to see if it flys for you.

But your error message doesn't seem to relate to your SQL per se. How are you executing it in code?


Old December 19th, 2005, 04:21 PM
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Set a breakpoint (F9) in your VBA code at the start of the function then step through it. Your SQL does not seem to be the problem so it might be something else.

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