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Old February 22nd, 2007, 06:50 PM
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Default Filtering Reports


I have a form that includes an account number and check box's for certain letters(reports). What I do is have a query that has all the information needed for every type of letter this form has a check box for.

I have a macro that runs all the letters and in the letter(report) I put letter1=True where the letter1 is the name of the yes/no box requesting that letter. This is placed in the properies of the report under data in the line that says filter. This works great.

Here is the problem I have:

1. That filter disappears randomly and I can't figure out something that we do that causes it. One day we will run the letters and ever letter will print for every account number. I will go into the report and go to the propierties and in the line that says fitler it will be blank!
2. Since the filter is in the letter/report the macro runs all the reports. When there is no one requesting a specific letter the letter still comes up but with error in all the merge fields.

This is Access 2000. Does anyone else have problems with the disappearing filters? Does anyone else know a better way to filter the letters?

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