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Old November 3rd, 2003, 05:35 AM
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Default fields from tables to update

hi all,

i have a form where there are fields like name, id (staff_table), Accountno (staff_Account_Table), branch code (Branch_Table) etc. they are from 3 different tables.

the form will have the branch code empty where the user will key in the branch code. i want the branch code and branch name to be reflected /updated into my account table once the user entered the branch code which means that the branch name will be updated automatically.

how can i do that???

pls advice

Old November 3rd, 2003, 10:38 AM
sal sal is offline
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Please provide table structure with complete PK/FK descriptions and relationships, IE One to Many.

Old November 3rd, 2003, 10:35 PM
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in my branchtable, i have :
- branchCode (pk)
- branchName

in my staff_table, i have : (these are the fields that will be on my main form)
- staff id
- name
- contact no

in my staff_account_table , i have : (these are the fields in my subform)
- accountno
- account type
- branchcode (link to branchtable - fk)
- salary
- staffid (link to staff_table- fk)

i have another form that displays all the information on this staff when they select from the combo box. the form include fields of :
- staffid
- name
- contactno
- branchName (from branchtable)
- accountno
- account type
- salary

how can i display the all this information in my form. how can i link all these 3 tables to display the info?? how can i retrieve the branch code of the staff and display it as branch name in this form??

this is what i have done: under the record source of my form, i place this codings

SELECT staff_Table.staffid, staff_Table.name, staff_Table.[contact no], staff_account_Table.[account no], staff_account_Table.[account type] , staff_account_Table.[salary] FROM staff_Table INNER JOIN staff_Account_Table ON staff_Table.staffid = staff_Account_Table.staffid WHERE (((staff_Table.staffid)=Forms!frmSearch!cboSelectG roup));

how can i display the branch name???

pls advice
Old November 5th, 2003, 04:07 AM
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hi all,

the problem is solved by using DLookup.
Your help is greatly appreciated.


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