Hello all. I am currently working on a form frmContact which includes a subform. The subform is based on a query and reflects records associated to the main form based on the ContactID.
The main form allows the user to enter information based on contacts made with customers. The user enters such information as date of contact, time of contact, and there is also a remarks field which is a memo data type.
There is a Contact Table which is populated using the user data from the main form.
I have created a Save Button and an On Click event on the form. With the on click of save an event procedure adds the new record to the Contacts Table by first opening a recordset and using the .AddNew method. All the fields seem to be adding properly to the table.
I cannot figure out how to populate the multivalue field in the Contacts Table with the data in the subform. Can anyone help me to figure out how to populate the Contacts Table multifield value using the .AddNew method and pointing the multivalue field at the subform on the main Contacts form?
I am pulling my hair out. I've tried everything I can think of and I'm sure it is a simple solution... ugh!