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Old August 17th, 2008, 04:04 PM
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Default DoCmd.OpenForm

I am trying to open a form from an on click property on a form. I want to only include entries in the second table that match the LastName field that in on the first and second forms The problem is it always brings up an input box asking for the name and saying I want instead of the data I requested here is the code. If I input the last name I want the form opens fine with the data I requested but I want it to do it from the data in the stLinkCreteria string. I have seen so many examples of this. Why doesn't it work? I don't want to have to input the LastName value, when the data is already in the stLinkCrateria field. Frustrated.....

The request box looks like this

| Enter Parameter Value ? x|
| |
| Name (from me.lastname) |
| |
| |OK| |Cancel |

My Code..........

Private Sub Command119_Click()

 On Error GoTo Err_Command119_Click

    Dim stDocName, stLinkCriteria As String

    stDocName = "notes" 'The second form

    stLinkCriteria = "[LastName]=" & Me![LastName]

    DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Command119_Click

End Sub

Thanks all

Old August 21st, 2008, 10:02 AM
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First, replace

stLinkCriteria = "[LastName]=" & Me![LastName]


stLinkCriteria = "[LastName] = '" & Me![LastName] & "'"

Last name is text, therefore you should surround it with a delimiter... in this case, an apostrophe. It if were a date, it'd be the pound sign (#). And if a number, then you would have it as you wrote it... with nothing.

The parameter coming up sounds like your underlying table or query is has the field NAME in there, but you're passing LastName instead... so it's asking for the value of LastName. Note that NAME is a VBA reserved word. If your table or query does have NAME in a field, change it to something else.

Greg Serrano
Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division

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