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Old November 19th, 2003, 06:49 AM
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Default updating db with dataAdapter/dataTable problem

I can't get seem to get this adapter(asp.net/vb) to update my msaccess db.

I am using an dataadapter to retrieve values from multiple tables using a stored query to fill a datatable (without a dataset) to bind to a datagrid. So far I can delete/add/update items in the datatable but when it's time to update the db(single table) I don't even get an error and my db does not show updated/deleted/new data. here is my code that retrieves and updates info from the db
Thank you for any help!!!!

dim dtPubTable as New DataTable("PubAuthors")
dim myAdapter as New OledbDataAdapter

sub filldgPubAuthors(pubID as integer)
Dim objConnection as new OledbConnection (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("StrConnection" ))
dim objCmd As New OleDbCommand()
Dim objParam As OleDbParameter
With objCmd
.Connection = objConnection
.CommandText = "[qryPubAuthorWeb]"
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
objParam = .Parameters.Add("PublicationID", OleDbType.integer)

End With

objParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
objParam.Value = pubID


myAdapter = New OledbDataAdapter(objCmd)

viewState("pubTable") = dtPUbTable

dgPubAuthors.dataSource = viewState("pubTable")

Catch objError As Exception

labelError.Text = objError.Message



end try

end sub

sub updateChild()
dtPubTable = cType(viewState("pubTable"),datatable)

dim strSQL as string = "SELECT tblPubAuthor.PubAuthorID, tblPubAuthor.PublicationID, tblPubAuthor.PubRoleID, tblPubAuthor.PersonID, tblPubAuthor.dlOrder, tblPubAuthor.Contribution " & _
"FROM tblPubAuthor " & _
"WHERE (((tblPubAuthor.PublicationID)=" & ViewState("hidPubID") & "));"

dim objCommand as new oledbCommand(strSQL,objConnection)
myAdapter.selectCommand = objCommand

Dim cb As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(myAdapter)



end sub

sub addScema()
dim tempRow as DataRow
tempRow = dtPubTable.NewRow()
tempRow("PUblicationID") = 1
tempRow("dlOrder") = 1
tempRow("Name") = getAuthorName()
tempRow("PersonID") = session("wwuID")
tempRow("PubRole") = "Author/CoAuthor"
tempRow("PubRoleId") = 1
tempRow("Contribution") = 1


viewState("pubTable") = dtPUbTable


dtPubTable = cType(viewState("pubTable"),datatable)

end if

end sub

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