Sql error for decimal type input parameter
I am getting following error while executing the stored proc using command object ExecuteNonQuery method.
"Error converting data type int to decimal."
In stored proc one of the input parameters defined is type of decimal(4,4). E.g. @ADD_ON_PCT decimal(4,4)
For this Input parameter we have a sql parameter defined and added to the SQLparameter collection of Command object.
The SQlDBType of this parameter is Decimal and the value we are setting through the business object which has property of type decimal.
E.g businessobject.ADD_ON_PCT =10.0M; ADD_ON_PCT type of decimal.
I tried with the following parameters directly in query analyzer still I am getting the same above error.
'7/30/2007 2:32:55 PM','A','7/30/2007 2:32:55 PM','Admin'
10 is the value defined for . @ADD_ON_PCT decimal(4,4)parameter.
Please let me know what is the problem with the decimal type input parameter in stored proc which has precision of 4 and scale = 4.