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Old November 9th, 2008, 10:10 AM
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Default where this kind datatable created

hi to all friends out there.

I have one doubt that when we write in vb.net as
Dim d1 as datatable and then i create row and column by datarow and data column.
can some one tell me that when we do this where this table create and in which database it get create.

Thank you in advance.

please reply soon

Old November 9th, 2008, 11:02 AM
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The table isn't created in a database; its created in memory.

The DataTable, DataRow and DataColumn classes are all reference types. Reference types are always allocated from the managed heap.

'Dim d1 As New DataTable()' declares and allocates storage space for the variable 'd1' on the managed heap. The New operator returns the memory address of the object. So you're not working with a table in a database at this point, you're working with a bunch of bits stored in memory.

To create a table in a database, you would need to execute a data definintion language query using something like:

SqlCommand DDLCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand();
DDLCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (COL1 integer)";

Read up a bit on the fundamentals of working with types (primitive, value and reference) and the .NET Common Language Runtime. It'll all become clearer.



Old November 10th, 2008, 11:22 AM
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Thanks allot Bob for your reply . Even i was thinking that but just i wanted to confirm.

Thanks again.

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