Nice article. I'm one of those criticizers of Ajax, though not of the concepts. I just feel it is now over-used. I find it in places that have no need of it. And/or in places where there are simpler (and faster) solutions. When used with JSON, especially, there are clearly faster and easier solutions available (specifically, hidden IFRAMEs where you dump in an a
JS array ready-to-go so you don't need the hassle of the
eval( ) that JSON needs).
But never mind. AJAX is still clearly the right solution for many, many problems and that article does a nice job of getting the concepts straight for beginners.
p.s.: Here's a funny: You *could* use "AJAX" without using JavaScript and without using XML. That is, *IF* your audience exclusively used MSIE, you could use all the same concepts and code in VBScript with, say, CSV-style text data. So what should we call it then? "ABAC"?? <grin/>