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Apache Tomcat General discussion of the Apache Tomcat servlet container. For discussions specific to the Professional Apache Tomcat book, please see the book discussion forum for that book.
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Old April 19th, 2006, 07:34 AM
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Default set Apache Tomcat 5.0 webserver visible in network

I developed several web pages in JSP. I can see them in http://localhost:8080/... I want to see them from another computer too.

How can I set my Apache Tomcat 5.0 webserver so that to see my web pages in network, not only locally on my computer?

Old April 21st, 2006, 04:47 AM
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If u want to access them from other's computer, u have to specify IP_Address/System_Name instead of localhost.

Old April 21st, 2006, 05:04 AM
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I tried that but don't work

I read on tutorials and a noticed that Tomcat is only container for JSP/servlet/html and Apache is web server which can be set like home web server, and can be visible on net by mean of IP. Tomcat and Apache can be connected with JK2 connector. In fact, my mistake was that I considered that Apache Tomcat 5.0 is Apacha+Tomcat. But isn't. It is Tomcat only.

Old May 18th, 2006, 11:53 AM
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Tomcat can act as web server too, though not comparable with Apache. You should be able to access the pages using the following link:


In case you are unable to do so check if something is blocking that port on the network. If you have any error that comes up, let us know. Also, check if you are able to ping your IP address from the machine where you are trying to access the page. Let us know the results.

Old July 12th, 2006, 08:13 AM
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I discovered why don't work my Tomcat from network. Didn't work because of Windows Firewall. My Tomcat is visible after I record it in Windows Firewall permissions.

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