problem with ASP page
I wrote a basic asp page to do a simple 'select' from an ACCESS database. When I run the page, it just hangs and hangs. What am I doing wrong?
I am using ACCESS 2003 and I don't know what version of ASP I am running but its NOT It is whatever is supported with IIS 6.0. below is my code:
thank you:
<%@ LANGUAGE="vbscript" %>
'Create the object
set metricsDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strSQL = "SELECT [Issue ID] FROM QPTActions"
'Open the connection
metricsDB.Open "metrics"
set itemSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
itemSet.Open strSQL, metricsDB, adOpenForwardOnly
if Not itemSet.EOF then
end if
'Close recordset
set itemSet = Nothing
'Close the connection
'Destroy the connection
set metricsDB = Nothing