ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 Basics ASP.NET discussion for users new to coding in ASP.NET 1.0 or 1.1. NOT for the older "classic" ASP 3 or the newer ASP.NET 2.0. |
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December 29th, 2006, 05:21 AM
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Add record to another table with radiobutton
I have an ( update form. At the bottom of this update form, there are two radiobuttons (radiobutton 'yes' and 'no'). If you select 'yes' then I want the information filled in the form, move to another table (history table, in database).
I guess I can use javascript to realise this or am I wrong?
Can you help me with this problem? How do I start?
When I click on 'save', the form also gets validated. Maybe I can add some extra code to the validate js code?
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December 29th, 2006, 09:10 AM
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Are you just trying to cause a postback or? I do not understand the question.
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December 29th, 2006, 09:19 AM
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quote:Originally posted by dparsons
Are you just trying to cause a postback or? I do not understand the question.
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I'm trying to pass the values of one table to another. I want to do this with js or other coding.
I have something like this:
<%if akkoord="ja" then sqlString = "INSERT INTO geschiedenisAanpassingen (gs_id_ap, prioriteit, stat, aanpassing, commentaar, opleverdatum, toevoeger, ap_toegevoegdOp, opleverdatumDD, opleverdatumMM, opleverdatumJJJJ ) VALUES ("&ToSql(id_ap)&", "&ToSql(prioriteit)&", "&ToSql(stat)&", "&ToSql(aanpassing)&", "&ToSql(commentaar)&", "&ToSql(opleverdatum)&", "&ToSql(toevoeger)&", "&ToSql(ap_toegevoegdOp)&", "&ToSql(opleverdatumDD)&", "&ToSql(opleverdatumMM)&", "&ToSql(opleverdatumJJJJ)&")"%>
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December 29th, 2006, 09:54 AM
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ohhhh you are using Classic ASP.
Ok I am not sure I understand this so let me try to break this down. When a user comes to this page, is the page blank until they check on of the radio buttons or is there already data on the page for them to review?
If there is already data in the form when the user gets there you could just have the form submit when the user click on the yes radio button by doing something like:
function isSubmited{
var myForm = document.getElementById('Form1').elements;
if(myForm.elements[i].name == "answer" && myForm.elements[i].checked == true && myForm.elements[i].value == "yes")
return true;
//do something
return false;
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December 29th, 2006, 10:20 AM
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quote:Originally posted by dparsons
ohhhh you are using Classic ASP.
Ok I am not sure I understand this so let me try to break this down. When a user comes to this page, is the page blank until they check on of the radio buttons or is there already data on the page for them to review?
If there is already data in the form when the user gets there you could just have the form submit when the user click on the yes radio button by doing something like:
function isSubmited{
var myForm = document.getElementById('Form1').elements;
if(myForm.elements[i].name == "answer" && myForm.elements[i].checked == true && myForm.elements[i].value == "yes")
return true;
//do something
return false;
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Is classic asp bad?
The page isn't blank. In fact it is an update page. On the bottom of this page, there are two radiobuttons 'yes' and 'no'. If you chose yes, the record with all the filled in info, should be added to the database table 'History'.
a part of the code on the update page looks like this:
<td><span style="font-size:11px; font-weight:bold;">Aanpassing akkoord?</span></td>
<td><input type="radio" checked="checked" title="Nee" id="nee" name="akkoord">Nee</input> <input type="radio" title="Ja" id="ja" name="akkoord">Ja</input></td>
<%if akkoord="ja" then sqlString = "INSERT INTO geschiedenisAanpassingen (prioriteit, stat, aanpassing, commentaar, opleverdatum, toevoeger, ap_toegevoegdOp, opleverdatumDD, opleverdatumMM, opleverdatumJJJJ ) VALUES (' ::prioriteit::' ,' ::stat::' ,' ::aanpassing::' ,' ::commentaar::' ,' ::opleverdatum::' ,' ::toevoeger::' ,' ::ap_toegevoegdOp::' ,' ::opleverdatumDD::' ,' ::opleverdatumMM::'' ::opleverdatumJJJJ::' )"%>
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December 29th, 2006, 10:38 AM
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Classic ASP isnt bad its just dated (not to mention that you are posting in the .NET forum as opposed to the classic ASP forum) but no matter. I understand that you are trying to transfer the data from the displayed form to another table in your database and I understand that that decision is based upon the value of your radio button what I am not understanding is what your problem is!
I originally thought this was a Javascript question on how to cause the form to submit itself if the user selected the "yes" radio button which is what the javascript i posted above does but now I am not sure what you have a question/problem with. Are you having a problem inserting data into the database, submitting the form, or are you just asking advice on the best practice to do what you are trying to do?
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December 29th, 2006, 11:19 AM
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quote:Originally posted by dparsons
Classic ASP isnt bad its just dated (not to mention that you are posting in the .NET forum as opposed to the classic ASP forum) but no matter. I understand that you are trying to transfer the data from the displayed form to another table in your database and I understand that that decision is based upon the value of your radio button what I am not understanding is what your problem is!
I originally thought this was a Javascript question on how to cause the form to submit itself if the user selected the "yes" radio button which is what the javascript i posted above does but now I am not sure what you have a question/problem with. Are you having a problem inserting data into the database, submitting the form, or are you just asking advice on the best practice to do what you are trying to do?
I want to move the record to another table by using the update page. On this page you can update the record or move the record to the history page.
My problem is that I don't know how to do this and if the code I gave up is usefull:
<td><span style="font-size:11px; font-weight:bold;">Aanpassing akkoord?</span></td>
<td><input type="radio" checked="checked" title="Nee" id="nee" name="akkoord">Nee</input> <input type="radio" title="Ja" id="ja" name="akkoord">Ja</input></td>
<%if akkoord="ja" then sqlString = "INSERT INTO geschiedenisAanpassingen (prioriteit, stat, aanpassing, commentaar, opleverdatum, toevoeger, ap_toegevoegdOp, opleverdatumDD, opleverdatumMM, opleverdatumJJJJ ) VALUES (' ::prioriteit::' ,' ::stat::' ,' ::aanpassing::' ,' ::commentaar::' ,' #::opleverdatum::#' ,' ::toevoeger::' ,' ::ap_toegevoegdOp::' ,' ::opleverdatumDD::' ,' ::opleverdatumMM::'' ::opleverdatumJJJJ::' )"%>
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January 3rd, 2007, 11:00 AM
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I think what you want to do is something like this:
If akkoord="ja" then
'Call your INSERT statement to move the record to another table
'Call DELETE on your current table since you have moved the record to another table
'Call your UPDATE statement to update the current record
End If
Also, if a user is just moving the record to the history page and, I assume that they are not updating any of the information you could do something like this for your INSERT:
"INSERT INTO geschiedenisAanpassingen (prioriteit, stat, aanpassing, commentaar, opleverdatum, toevoeger, ap_toegevoegdOp, opleverdatumDD, opleverdatumMM, opleverdatumJJJJ ) SELECT prioriteit, stat, aanpassing, commentaar, opleverdatum, toevoeger, ap_toegevoegdOp, opleverdatumDD, opleverdatumMM, opleverdatumJJJJ from [table2] where id = [num]"
Saves you alot of typing ^^
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January 11th, 2007, 09:24 AM
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dparsons thank you
the tool is almost done ^_^
thankyou thank you thank you !
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