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Old June 9th, 2007, 12:28 PM
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Default Logging into a site and downloading a file

I would like to log into my CC site and download statements in a specific format. Not quite sure how to do this. I would like to create this and set this up as a windowns service.

Any advise on where to start.

Old June 9th, 2007, 02:05 PM
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I'm developing windows Application using C#... The App is basically a search app. when a support user(
assume the support guys ) searches for specific record... the query returns say some 100 rows and i display those data in a DATAGRIDVIEW control...

I need couple of things in this.:
1). In my Windows Form i have two buttons for sorting the Queue say like UP and DOWN arrow.
- The user will select a single row in the Search Results list and then select the “Up” or “Down” navigation buttons to order the jobs
      ---> The “UP” navigation button will update the database to indicate the order this job will be executed (decrement the order by 1)
        ---> The “UP” navigation button will move single jobs up in the queue by 1 row, causing the Search Results to refresh showing the new location of the selected job

and vice - versa on click of the DOWN arrow...((increment the order by 1))

2) when the user click UP arrow she should be able to go directly to the row where the Status is of type Queued and the place the selected row before this (queued ) row..

The columns i have:

JobType Country TimeStarted TimeFinshed Status
CP SA "2007-02-17 "2007-05-07 Success
00:00:00.000" 00:00:00.000"

IP NA "2007-02-17 "2007-02-18 Queued
00:00:00.000" 00:00:00.000"

PP FR "2007-02-16 "2007-02-17 Failed
00:00:00.000" 00:00:00.000"

PG IN "2007-02-17 "2007-02-19 Queued
00:00:00.000" 00:00:00.000"

- The “Up” and “Down” navigation buttons only apply to jobs that are of a status “Queued”

Old June 9th, 2007, 03:07 PM
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Bob don't hijack posts. This has absolutely nothing to do with the OP's question. Loki, please explain further, are you trying to write a windows service that will go out to X website and download x file?

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Old June 10th, 2007, 09:59 AM
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That is correct! Here is the long description of what it is that I am trying to do. I have Credit Card statements that I would like to keep on a regular basis. I belive that they only keep them for a specific period and if you want further records they charge you for it. I would like to setup a service that will go to a specific page and grab the PDF/XLS file which ever I choose. Of course I would like to setup something that will compare file name / file size to see if it is downloading the same file. (But one thing at a time). First I would like to know who it is that I can get a the website w/ or w/out web interface and input (user creds) and select specific page based off link by the Credit Card company.

Thanks Dparsons.

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