ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 Basics ASP.NET discussion for users new to coding in ASP.NET 1.0 or 1.1. NOT for the older "classic" ASP 3 or the newer ASP.NET 2.0. |
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February 11th, 2004, 04:48 PM
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How do I capture multiple values from a checkboxlist that are submitted?
February 12th, 2004, 02:46 AM
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foreach( ListItem Citem in CheckBoxList1.Items )
if( Citem.Selected )
<s>// DO WHAT U WANT...</s>
Hovik Melkomian.
February 12th, 2004, 03:20 PM
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I added this:
Dim Citem As ListItem
Dim myHolder
Dim cblRooms As CheckBoxList = myCatHolder2.FindControl("chkRooms")
For Each Citem In cblRooms.Items
If Citem.Selected Then
myHolder = Citem
End If
dbComm.Parameters("rooms").Value = myHolder.ToString
It still only takes the last value checked. Am I missing something? If I add Response.Write(Citem) it displays all items checked in one long string.
February 13th, 2004, 10:10 AM
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The reason that it is only taking the last item is that each time you are going through your loop you are setting "myHolder" to a new value, not appending it to the current value. Try replacing:
myHolder = Citem
myHolder += Citem
and see if that helps.
You may have to add a "<br>" if you don't want them to all be on the same line.
February 13th, 2004, 10:18 AM
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That worked.
Thank you.
May 24th, 2006, 04:36 AM
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Hi, I tried to test your code but when i change myHolder += citem It giving me the following error
Operator '+' is not defined for typed "System.Object" and "System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem"
May 24th, 2006, 10:01 AM
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Something is off. Post your code block here. Can't really tell from just the error.
May 24th, 2006, 07:55 PM
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This is my code to loop the checkboxlist. But I having error at myHolder += citem
Dim Citem As ListItem
Dim myHolder
For Each Citem In cbl_Codes.Items
If Citem.Selected Then
myHolder += Citem
End If
May 24th, 2006, 08:35 PM
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thanks rstelma, now i can retrieve the selected value. But it in one whole line. I understand that katsarosj mention about "<br>". Can i store it in array? or other methods? so i can insert into database easily. Thanks
May 25th, 2006, 02:50 PM
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You can put them into an array but you will have to loop through the values at some point anyway. Check the code at this post:
As you are looping through the values you can just put them in the database at that time.