Design Time Support Web Controls in ASP.NET 1.1
I have written a web control and for that I have written also a designer class.My webcontrol has a button which has some property like
DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializat ionVisibility.Content)
public string Value
return htmlText.Value;
htmlText.Value = value;
Now my designer class is like
public class contDesigner : ControlDesigner
public override bool AllowResize
return true;
public override string GetDesignTimeHtml()
string strRender = base.GetDesignTimeHtml ();
return strRender;
catch(Exception Err)
return GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(Err);
Now I want the behaviour like when I change the properties of this control from the control window it should be displayed at designtime e.g. when I change the text of the button (ButtonText Property) from the property window and press Enter button then the button text should be changed at instant i.e. design time. But it is not working like that. I have created all controlls through createchildcontrols(). Now what shoul I do. Please help if possible.
Arindam Jha