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Old March 13th, 2006, 02:11 PM
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Default Set Focus to Field in User Control

I have a web user control containing a postback enabled checkbox called chkBold. When this check box is clicked, postback occurs and focus on the check box is lost. I want to put focus back on the check box after the form refreshes but this code, contained in the code behind for the check box, isn't working:

RegisterStartUpScript("SetFocus", "<script>document.frmSurveyDefn.TitleStyle.chkBold .focus();</script>")

What is the proper format when referencing an object in a user control?
Old March 14th, 2006, 12:51 AM
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The names of the controls render differently when a user control renders. To check the name, run your page and do a view source.

What I did to test was I created a WebUserControl with 2 TextBoxes.. TextBox1 and TextBox1. My user control name is WebUserControl1.

To use your code and set the focus to TextBox1 I did this:
RegisterStartupScript("SetFocus", "<script>document.Form1.WebUserControl11_TextBox1.focus();</script>")

Notice how it names the textbox ... All you need to do is view the source of your page and change the code above accordingly.

Hope this helps..


Old March 14th, 2006, 04:20 PM
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I tried to get it to work but still had no luck. We're finally upgrading to V2 next week, and I understand that it supports a Setfocus method in the browser just like Windows applications. So I'm simply going to hold off until the upgrade and do it the right way. Thanks again!
Old March 14th, 2006, 05:53 PM
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ok good luck

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