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Old July 24th, 2006, 11:54 AM
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Default I have a problem in mailing application

I have developed a simple application to do emails to different users. But one thing i cannot understand. After my application sends email, this email is placed in Queue folder but i cannot recieve that email

One more thing i want to know that wt are the available free smtp server by using which my application can send email to all the internet users.

Umair Hasan Zubairy
Software Developer
Auriga group of computer
Umair Hasan Zubairy
Software Engineer
Auriga group of Companies
Old July 24th, 2006, 12:10 PM
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I would have to see the code your using to send the email as I have never had a problem using system.web.mail to send email through an SMTP server.

As far as your mail server question goes, Open Xchange is a very nice open source mail server though it is quite tiedsome to get it up and running. There are various others just google for them.

"The one language all programmers understand is profanity."
Old July 26th, 2006, 03:42 PM
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Hi Hasan,
I think u hav not assigned SMTP server to ur MailMessage object. If u r connected with internet then u can use localhost as ur SMTP server & u will surely recieve ur mails. But there are some servers that accept this type of mails bcoz these mails r not authorised, so goes to spam or bulk folders. Also u can't send mails from all emails like yahoo, gmail,aol etc(which does'nt support. gmail support but yahoo not).

Try this code...

MailMessage objMailMsg = new MailMessage();
objMailMsg.From = txtFrom.Text.Trim();
objMailMsg.To = txtTo.Text.Trim();
objMailMsg.Subject = txtSubject.Text.Trim();
objMailMsg.Body = txtName.Text + " wrote, " + txtComments.Text;
Response.Write("Your mail has been send successfully");
catch(Exception exc)
lblMessage.Text = "Send fail: " + exc.ToString();

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