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Old January 21st, 2004, 11:30 PM
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Default Session Management

I need some comments on handling sessions..etc.

My site needs a security machanisum to allow the access to authorized users only.
   that I have implimented using a RDBMS table and a login machanisum.
but still this back buttons and forward buttons is giving me a headache. actuallty specking I have not done that much of R&D yet, and going to start.
  i'll update you guys with the Progress. in the meantime I need you expert comments on that, as it would be a guideline to me.


Old January 23rd, 2004, 07:02 AM
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I suggest you lookup formsauthentication in the help guides for this.

You can use the web.config and global.asax files to check and authenticate the user on each of your pages, passing them back to the login page if they navigate through the site using the back & forward browser buttons, but there is way too much information to explain this here.

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