In relation to your first question, namely the connection string problem I have used he
Web.config file and its capabilities to store key/value pairs. This is done like this...
<add key="connectionString" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\database.mdb" />
<add key="illustrationLogo" value="graphics\logo.jpg" />
<add key="dataTimeFormatString" value="MMMM, yyyy." />
... and then you can retireve the information using System.Configuration like this...
this.connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionString"];
(remember 'using System.Configuration;' (C#)).
As to the question about the global methods, there is several solutions I think. One is to make a class - say Common - and then implement the methods, which should be global in this class (e.g. TestMethod()). You can the call the methods like this...
(new Common()).TestMethod();
I am not too experienced with .NET aswell, so there might be more elegant solutions to this problem.
About the form submission... I would like an answer either. I have got a cancel button, which should just redirect to another page. You can see if this thread gives an answer this...
And Peter thanks for the correction
Hope this helps