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ASP.NET 2.0 Basics If you are new to ASP or ASP.NET programming with version 2.0, this is the forum to begin asking questions. Please also see the Visual Web Developer 2005 forum.
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 03:45 AM
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Default Internationalisation

I read most of Beginning Asp.Net 2.0 and it's really a great book!

However, there are a few areas that I haven't found covered - you should consider them for the upcoming C# equivalent.

One is internationalisation. When I've used DreamWeaver and other web editors, the Swedish letters have automatically been converted to html equivalents. However, in VWD Express that is not the case (regardless of which target browser/language I choose).

Why is this and what should I do about it? Is the .Net framework taking care of this automatically?

Best + thanks for the book,

Pettrer, Sweden

Coding is indeed a nine-to-five job; nine pm to five am.
Coding is indeed a nine-to-five job; nine pm to five am.

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