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Old June 3rd, 2006, 10:32 AM
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Default Ints or Unique IDs?


When developing web sites with Asp, DreamWeaver and Access, I've always used Unique IDs for setting things like userID or productID. However, with VWD Express and a .mdf db, this doesn't seem like an easy thing to do, at least not when inserting test data during development. The reason is that the uniqueIDs are 32 or so digits, and I have no idea what to write, and it's tiresome anyway.

I used a (great) book from Wrox (Begninning Asp.Net 2.0) to learn VWD and Asp.Net, and in their examples they actually use ints for setting their productIDs and the like. I'm really surprised to see that in a text book, but that's the way they've done it.

So what's the best practice? What should I do? Please help me out here as I'm really confused!

Thanks in advance,


Coding is indeed a nine-to-five job; nine pm to five am.
Coding is indeed a nine-to-five job; nine pm to five am.
Old June 3rd, 2006, 03:05 PM
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I think you can set this columns as IDENTITY columns,SQL Sever automaticlly provides values for it when inserting new records into the table.
When setting an Identity column,you must specify an identity seed,which is the first value that SQL Server provides for that column,and an identity increment value.
Find the Column Properties tag,then expand the identity specification item to set the node(Is Identity) to yes.

Old June 5th, 2006, 06:19 AM
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Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!


Coding is indeed a nine-to-five job; nine pm to five am.
Old June 5th, 2006, 08:28 PM
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Can Access use identity from .NET? I tried to set that up and for some reason it wouldn't seed for me. I had to build a query to manual seed. SQL does the identity right for me though.

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