Hi anuj and notrosh
yes its exactly connection string , no doubt, but how to update the servername ("UrServerName"), databasename(UrDatabaseName), uid and pwd from the deployment screen(where the user keyin when i deploy my asp.net application) to the connection string which i have given as same as anuj has written ie
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=UrServerName;database=UrDatabaseName ;uid=UserName;pwd=Pasword" />
meaning i dont want to manually change web.config file when i deploy in different server.
in that case
isit possible to keep servername,dbname,uid and pwd as variable and get it from the db installer class(db installer class is a project inside my application solution which interfaces with the websetup project inside my application and generate a user interface screen for user to keyin database infos)?.
or whats the best way to make this possible?