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Old June 8th, 2006, 01:28 PM
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Default Disabling automatic validation: comparevalidator?

So things have been going smoothly on my new site project except for a few hangups.

For the various forms that are on the site, I have used requiredfield validators, comparevalidators, and regularexpression validators, all of which work very well. I made sure that every text box and dropdown menu had their "CausesValidation" property set to false, but the compare validators and regex validators still fire every time a check box is changed-- I only want validation to fire when the user hits the submit button...

I would probably be able to do the validation in the onclick event of the submit button, but for one thing that becomes far more complicated (and loses the simplicity of using the validator controls) and would be done on the server side anyway...

Am I just missing something really obvious? I would imagine that this would be a fairly common request among web designers like myself. To be clear, setting the CausesValidation property of my textbox and dropdown controls to "false" does solve the problem for the requiredField validators, but not for the comparevalidators or regularexpression validators.

Thanks in advance for any direction on this one.

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