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Old July 9th, 2006, 07:05 PM
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Default ASP.NET 1.1 dropdownlist problem

I used to dropdownlist control to allow users to select between different types of occupations. Depending on what they pick, they are to be assigned a different registration price.

However, some occupations require the same price.

So when I databind the control, I assigned the same value to more than one item in the control. Here is what the table in my database looks like:

faculty 2year 25
faculty 4year 25
undergrad 20
business 20
industry 15
government 15
highschool 10

Here is the problem:
The control will populate, however, upon postback, rather than remaining on the item the user selected, the control will display the first item with the same corresponding value. For example, if you selected business. Upon postback, the control will display undergrad.

How can I get around this identical value issue?

Hope someone can help. Thanks.

Old July 16th, 2006, 11:11 PM
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Save the selectedvalue property someplace where it will be preserved across the postback. After the postback, retrieve the saved value to reset the selectedvalue property of the dropdown with the original selection is a small loop.

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