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Old July 31st, 2006, 04:27 PM
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Default Dynamic image button


I am having a unique problem with a webpage I am working on. I have searched high and low for an answer but was unable to find one.

I currently have a dynamically generated image button that does 2 things. When the page first loads, it is set to grab the Image thumbnail related to that particular product via ProductID, when the User clicks on the imagebutton, a popup window comes up with the large original image.

I have found a way to make that work, the problem I am running into is that everytime an image button is clicked, the whole page reloads. This can be a real problem for people who use the back button as well as a slow internet connection. :(

Here are some code of what I did: (Since I don't know how to generate a button dynamically at run-time, I have preset the buttons with the visibility at false, so when I call the functions during run time, only the buttons with an image and a URL will be visible. If anyone can help me with a better way around that, that would be awesome!) :D

 public partial class Products : System.Web.UI.Page
        string strConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CMDB"];
        int intProductID = 0;
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



 protected void DisplayImages()
            string strImg = String.Empty;
            string popupImg = String.Empty;
            string strImg2 = String.Empty;
            string popupImg2 = String.Empty;
            //Image imgMain = new Image();
            ImageButton imgBtn = new ImageButton();

            for (int i = 1; i < 25; i++)
                strImg = "ProductThumbnail/" + intProductID + "_" + i + "Thumb.jpg";
                popupImg = "ProductImages/" + intProductID + "_" + i + ".jpg";
                strImg2 = "ProductThumbnail/" + intProductID + "_" + i + "Thumb.gif";
                popupImg2 = "ProductImages/" + intProductID + "_" + i + ".jpg";
                imgBtn = (ImageButton)Page.FindControl("ImageButton" + i);

                if (File.Exists(MapPath(strImg)))
                    imgBtn.ImageUrl = strImg;
                    imgBtn.Visible = true;
                    imgBtn.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:popImage('" + popupImg + "')");
                else if (File.Exists(MapPath(strImg2)))
                    imgBtn.ImageUrl = strImg2;
                    imgBtn.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:popImage('" + popupImg2 + "')");
                    imgBtn.Visible = true;
                    imgBtn.Visible = false;

Old August 2nd, 2006, 10:19 AM
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Creating Any Adding User Controls to a Page Dynamically.

Create a placeholder control <asp:PlaceHolder id="ph1" runat="server" />
  Dim oCtrl1 As UserControl = LoadControl("..\controls\ascx\imgbtn.ascx")

if you want to add <BR> or <P> OR Space

ph1.Controls.Add(New HtmlGenericControl("br"))
ph1.Controls.Add(New HtmlGenericControl("p"))
ph1.Controls.Add(New HtmlGenericControl("&nbsp;"))

Hope this helps.

Old August 2nd, 2006, 01:25 PM
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Hi Rams,

I'm not quite sure what you mean by added a user control to the page dynamically. I would still need the user control to get the product images that's associated to the product the user selected. I forgot to mention that variable is passed via URL. So to get the product ID - it would be set to gather info based on the URL.
example: "www.website.com/productspage.aspx?pid=1234" so 1234 would be the productID that's used to gather the images. Images are named according to ID "1234_1.jpg" etc. Hope that clears up the problem a bit.

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