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Old November 28th, 2007, 08:43 AM
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Default Database Connection to Access Database

I am having an access database "user.mdb", that has "User_Details" table with the following columns "Sl. No. (Primary Key)", "User Name", "Password", "First Name", "Last Name", "Contact No", "EMail ID" and "Postal Address".

I have a HTML Form to get these details from the users. What ASP.NET code I should use to get these details from HTML form and save them to "user.mdb" database. Since I am not a IT Professional, can you give me the code?. The code must do the following once the user clicks the "SUBMIT" button...

1. Once the user fills the form fields and clicks the "SUBMIT" button, it should display the data filled for confirmation with "CONFIRM" and "CANCEL" button.

2. On clicking the "CONFIRM" button.

3. Open "user.mdb" database and "User_Details" table.

4. Add the information filled by the user in HTML Form in case there is no data in the table.

5. Append the information filled by the user in HTML Form in case there is any data in the table.

6. Give a "Confirmation Page" stating that the data is received successfully and saved in the database and when the user clicks the "Close Window" text link available at the bottom of the "Confirmation Page", Return to the HTML Form Page with all the fields empty.

7. On clicking the "CANCEL" button, Return to the HTML Form Page with all the details entered by the user for modification.

Sevar K
Old November 28th, 2007, 08:56 AM
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Hi there.. I (personally) will not do the job for you, but I can point you out that in google there are a lot of info that you can use to do this...

even that.. what do you mean by append the info?? append the data to the same row?? because add data to a table is the same if there are no records or a lot of them...



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