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Old February 29th, 2008, 11:00 AM
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Default FindControl in DataListItem


I am trying to access the image control "ImgCelebrity". But keep getting the error message "
Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Please help me out...

My code is given bellow:


  Dim ImgCelebrity1 As Image = CType(DlstCategory.FindControl("ImgCelebrity"), Image)
        ImgCelebrity1.Visible = False


  <asp:DataList ID ="DlstCategory" runat ="server" RepeatDirection ="Horizontal" RepeatColumns = "2" Width="485px">

          <HeaderTemplate >
          <asp:Image ID ="ImgCelebrity" runat ="server" ImageUrl ="/images/Skins/title-latestnews.gif" />


           <img alt="" src="http://www.lookinggood-feelinggreat.co.uk/images/arrow_home.gif">
           <a href='http://bdevweb01:5013/tabid/97/CategoryName/<%# Replace(Eval("CategoryName")," ","-") %>/default.aspx'> <%# Eval("CategoryName")%> </a>
              <ItemStyle />


Old February 29th, 2008, 05:15 PM
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Try this: CType(DlstCategory.Items(0).FindControl("ImgCelebr ity"), Image)


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