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Old March 10th, 2008, 05:29 AM
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I have two ascx controls on my aspx blog page. First control display the recent blogs every time the page loads while in the second control there is a drop down list and 26 link buttons from A - Z . When the page loads, It loads the recent blogs on the first control and all the blog titles start from A in the drop down of the second control.
The problem is that when I select any other link button for example link Button “P” , then it calls a postback and loads all the titles start with P but on the other end the first control (that display the recent blogs) display nothing.
I donno how to figure it out ……???

Old March 10th, 2008, 09:23 AM
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Can you describe your "recent blogs" user control in more detail?

Is it only loading data when not IsPostback? What are the viewstate settings for the controls within it? It sounds to me like viewstate is turned off and that you are testing for IsPostback so you only load the data on the initial page hit. So when you do a postback from the other user control, this one isn't loading any data, nor restoring any from viewstate.


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