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ASP.NET 2.0 Basics If you are new to ASP or ASP.NET programming with version 2.0, this is the forum to begin asking questions. Please also see the Visual Web Developer 2005 forum.
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Old July 25th, 2008, 08:33 AM
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Default system timming using Windows service

   I have a task on using windows services.My task is i had folder(Mails) on my project itself within which the Email ids r writtern in word file.Now the Window service has to check the folder for every 10seconds wether any email ids are added newly,if so the email has to be sent to the newly added Email ids.
Objective is Windows has to check the folder for Every 10 seconds and send the bulk emails to the IDs.Can any one send me the code for windows service to complete the task.plz consider this mail as very urgent.I am running out of time.



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