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Old August 13th, 2008, 04:19 AM
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Default Other controls are overlapping AJAX calendar

I have used AJAX calendar control in my asp.net web application.But other controls around him are overlapping that Ajax control.i am doing it on VS-2005.What should I do ?
Old August 13th, 2008, 04:23 AM
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Try reading the source code, figure out where it has gone wrong, then correct it.

This is what we call "debugging".. It's something all of us developers do (or at least should be doing).

Since noone is perfect, some geeks came up with the idea of a place where developers could come, post the details of their problem, explain what they have tried, and then (and only then) ask for help. They called this a "forum"..

Welcome to the p2p wrox forum. :D

Old August 13th, 2008, 07:08 AM
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quote:Originally posted by robzyc
 Try reading the source code, figure out where it has gone wrong, then correct it.

This is what we call "debugging".. It's something all of us developers do (or at least should be doing).

Since noone is perfect, some geeks came up with the idea of a place where developers could come, post the details of their problem, explain what they have tried, and then (and only then) ask for help. They called this a "forum"..

Welcome to the p2p wrox forum. :D

Please reply if you know something about the Topic otherwise no need of doing it
Old August 13th, 2008, 07:22 AM
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Reading Replies FAIL
Correcting Post FAIL
Learning From It FAIL

Missing the Point and Jumping to Conclusions WIN!

Old August 13th, 2008, 07:37 AM
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HI there..

Not being sarcastic like Rob, he has a valid point in there. If some controls are overlapping, then somewhere in your HTML code there is position or something that is telling the render (explorer of any kind) to do that. Not being able to see the code (And I don't think anybody will found an error just reading plain HTML without trying it), the best idea I have is to read the control that overlaps and trying to understand why the explorer do that. In fact, this happens on all navigators?



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Old August 13th, 2008, 08:03 AM
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This might be a good time for folks to take a deep breath and hold off posting for an hour or two.

Write some code, drink some coffee. ;)

Jim Minatel
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