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Old November 23rd, 2008, 06:29 PM
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Default Help with Inserting new record with detailsview

Hi there, I am using a detailsview control to insert a new record in SQL Server Express 2008 table. The table “RefData” has following fields. Apart from the first three fields, all fields require user input as listed below. First three fields are meant to be auto generated.

[u]SupplierFlightID:</u> Primary Key (IS Identity set to yes, Identity Increment set to 1)
[u]UniqueID: </u> (This field I want automatically generated by combining Carrier & StartDay & EndDay & SchFlight)
[u]SupplierName:</u> American Airline (This field needs auto filled with the user log in name)
[u]Carrier:</u> AA (User input)
[u]StartDay:</u> 01/01/1900 00:00:00 (User suppose to enter a weekday, possibly in ddd format so Mon, Tue etc)
[u]EndDay:</u> 07/01/1900 00:00:00 (User suppose to enter same as StartDay
[u]SchFlight:</u> AA640 (User input)
[u]SchDepartTime:</u> 30/12/1899 07:55:00 (User suppose to enter a time in time format so hh:mm, if possible this could be dropdown list that will have list of times with 5 minutes gap in each value)
[u]SchArriveTime:</u> 30/12/1899 13:35:00 (Same as above)
[u]SchArriveDayPlus: </u>0 (User Input)
[u]SchDestination: </u>New York (User Input)
[u]FinalDestnation:</u> New York (User Input)
[u]StartDate:</u> 26/10/2008 00:00:00 (User Input if possible a calendar tool to select a date)
[u]EndDate:</u> 29/03/2008 00:00:00 (User Input if possible a calendar tool to select a date)

Can someone please help me with this, am I doing the right thing by using detailsview control? All I need is a data entry form that will allow the user to update the RefData table. I don’t need master detail page as such? I have been playing with detailsveiw control without success for last couple of days, had many problems due to database constraints and weekday, date, time formats. The values shown against the field names show the column formats. Thanks in advance for your help. gsrai31

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