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ASP.NET 2.0 Professional If you are an experienced ASP.NET programmer, this is the forum for your 2.0 questions. Please also see the Visual Web Developer 2005 forum.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 11:32 AM
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Default Differences, Web Devel Express 2005, Normal Studio

I am trying to build, compile all the sample code from Wrox "Professional ASP.NET 2.0" all at once under Studio 2005. I am getting a slew of strange compilation errors. From the book, it appears the examples were built under Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.

 While I was told verbally at the 2005 Launch that the Studio itself and the Express Edition are "compatible", the evidence of my compilation errors is that there "are differences". If so, are such differences documented any place? For example, under VB.Net, Chapter 03, how can "Resources.Resource" be found from the App_GlobalResources folder

Old December 28th, 2005, 09:56 PM
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My Dear Friend,
it seems to me that all the resources in Professional ASP.net 2.0 are compiled under Visual Studio 2005.Because i was able to run all the examples from Chapter 3.

The question is not clear to me. but r u want make a resource.resource file under \App_GlobalResource folder. Then at first you need to create a folder,to do so just select the project in the solution explorer.then right click.you will find the option to 'Add Folder'.Select '\App_GlobalResource folder.the same way select this folder(\App_GlobalResource) and right click.the click Add and you will find a template to create resource.resource file.


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