Hi all.
I've been playing with Atlas for a couple of hours now and want to AJAX enable my current application, but I've hit a showstopper.
There is a couple a things wrong right now
1. When I compile and get the first page (login) I get two syntax errors (missing ; before statement), one in atlasglob.axd and one in the Atlas webservice
JS file. When I examing the files they contain the login page??!? Must be something wrong with the config file (see below).
2. I have a user class that implements MembershipUser and contains a lot of data. The it works right now is when a user hits the login button I validate the user, through my implementation of MembershipProvider (meaning that I can't use the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login method) and then get my user class through the GetUser method of my custom MembershipProvider. My user class then query the database for a lot of data. I don't want to do that with each request of course so I store the class in the ASP.NET Cache and write a authentication cookie with the FormsAuthentication class. After trying to get this scheme to work for a couple of hours I'm wondering - is it even possible with the Atlas webservice architecture?
3. How do I set and redirect the user with a webservice?
Here is my (fairly long) web.config:
2 <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">
3 <configSections>
4 <!--
5 The sectionGroup define a section for ASP.NET Atlas.
6 -->
7 <sectionGroup name="microsoft.web" type="Microsoft.Web.Configuration.MicrosoftWebSectionGroup">
8 <section name="converters" type="Microsoft.Web.Configuration.ConvertersSection" requirePermission="false"/>
9 <section name="webServices" type="Microsoft.Web.Configuration.WebServicesSection" requirePermission="false"/>
10 <section name="authenticationService" type="Microsoft.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationServiceSection" requirePermission="false"/>
11 <section name="profileService" type="Microsoft.Web.Configuration.ProfileServiceSection" requirePermission="false"/>
12 </sectionGroup>
13 <section name="SQLPARAMETERPREFIX" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
14 </configSections>
15 <!--
16 The microsoft.web section defines items required for the Atlas framework.
17 -->
18 <microsoft.web>
19 <converters>
20 <add type="Microsoft.Web.Script.Serialization.Converters.DataSetConverter"/>
21 <add type="Microsoft.Web.Script.Serialization.Converters.DataRowConverter"/>
22 <add type="Microsoft.Web.Script.Serialization.Converters.DataTableConverter"/>
23 </converters>
24 <webServices enableBrowserAccess="true"/>
25 <!--
26 Uncomment this line to enable the authentication service.
27 -->
28 <authenticationService enabled="true"/>
29 <!-- Uncomment these lines to enable the profile service. To allow profile properties to be retrieved
30 and modified in Atlas applications, you need to add each property name to the setProperties and
31 getProperties attributes. If you intend for all properties to be available, you can use "*"
32 as a shorthand rather than enumerating each property -->
33 <!--
34 <profileService enabled="true"
35 setProperties="propertyname1;propertyname2"
36 getProperties="propertyname1;propertyname2" />
37 -->
38 </microsoft.web>
39 <appSettings>
41 <add key="XMLPath" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BookEvent\App_Data\" />
42 <add key="XMLSQLFileName" value="sqlStatements" />
43 </appSettings>
45 <add key="BookEventConnectionLocal" value="@" />
46 <add key="BookEventConnection" value="@" />
47 <add key="PrimemanagerConnection" value="@" />
49 <connectionStrings>
50 <remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
51 <add name="BookEventConnectionLocal" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" connectionString="hidden"/>
52 <add name="BookEventConnection" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" connectionString="hidden"/>
53 <add name="PrimemanagerConnection" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" connectionString="hidden"/>
54 </connectionStrings>
55 <system.web>
56 <pages>
57 <controls>
58 <add namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI" assembly="Microsoft.Web.Atlas" tagPrefix="atlas"/>
59 <add namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.Controls" assembly="Microsoft.Web.Atlas" tagPrefix="atlas"/>
60 </controls>
61 </pages>
62 <authentication mode="Forms">
63 <forms name=".BOOKEVENTAUTH" loginUrl="Login.aspx" path="/" />
64 </authentication>
65 <authorization>
66 <deny users="?"/>
67 </authorization>
68 <membership defaultProvider="BookEventProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="30">
69 <providers>
70 <clear />
74 <add name="BookEventProvider"
75 type="BookEventMembershipProvider"
76 connectionStringName="BookEventConnection"
77 applicationName="BookEvent"
78 passwordFormat="Clear"/>
79 </providers>
80 </membership>
81 <globalization requestEncoding="iso-8859-1" responseEncoding="iso-8859-1"
82 fileEncoding="iso-8859-1" culture="da-DK" uiCulture="da-DK" />
83 <compilation debug="true" defaultLanguage="c#">
84 <buildProviders>
85 <add extension=".asbx" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.BridgeBuildProvider"/>
86 </buildProviders>
87 </compilation>
88 <xhtmlConformance mode="Strict"/>
89 <httpHandlers>
90 <remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
91 <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory" validate="false"/>
92 <!--
93 The MultiRequestHandler enables multiple requests to be handled in one
94 roundtrip to the server. Its use requires Full Trust.
95 -->
96 <add verb="*" path="atlasbatchcall.axd" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.MultiRequestHandler" validate="false"/>
97 <add verb="*" path="atlasglob.axd" type="Microsoft.Web.Globalization.GlobalizationHandler" validate="false"/>
98 <!--
99 The IFrameHandler enables a limited form of cross-domain calls to 'Atlas' web services.
100 This should only be enabled if you need this functionality and you're willing to expose
101 the data publicly on the Internet.
102 To use it, you will also need to add the attribute [WebOperation(true, ResponseFormatMode.Json, true)]
103 on the methods that you want to be called cross-domain.
104 This attribute is by default on any DataService's GetData method.
106 <add verb="*" path="iframecall.axd" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.IFrameHandler" validate="false"/>
107 -->
108 <add verb="*" path="*.asbx" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory" validate="false"/>
109 </httpHandlers>
110 <httpModules>
111 <add name="ScriptModule" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.ScriptModule"/>
112 <add name="BridgeModule" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.BridgeModule"/>
113 <add name="WebResourceCompression" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.WebResourceCompressionModule"/>
114 </httpModules>
115 </system.web>
116 <!-- Uncomment this if your site globally denies access to anonymous users. The
117 authentication service and profile service are located under the virtual
118 "ScriptServices" directory. Since you normally call the authentication web
119 service with an un-authenticated user, the following location tag can be used
120 to grant access to anonymous users. If you use anonymous profile support
121 you will also need to grant access to anonymous users. -->
122 <location path="ScriptServices">
123 <system.web>
124 <authorization>
125 <allow users="*" />
126 </authorization>
127 </system.web>
128 </location>
129 <system.data>
130 <DbProviderFactories>
131 <clear/>
133 <add name="FireBird Data Provider" invariant="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" description="FirebirdClient - ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider" type="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FirebirdClientFactory, FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3750abcc3150b00c" />
134 </DbProviderFactories>
135 </system.data>
136 </configuration>
Any help would be appreciated!
Cheers, Jon.
- mega
Moving to C# .NET