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Old May 19th, 2007, 03:08 AM
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Default sqldatasource

hi ,
 in my project i m having one dropdownlstbox inthat it displays productid....
if i m selecting any value in the dropdownlistbox then the corresponding records values should be retrive from product table and it should be displayed in seperate textboxes...... it should be done with the help of sqldatasouce control can anyone help me...

Old May 19th, 2007, 03:31 AM
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Hi there,

Take a look here:



Imar Spaanjaars
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Old May 21st, 2007, 01:41 PM
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Hi there.. i understand your problem.. but think about this, if I select NY, how will the system know witch NY (NY1, NY2) I Select???? maybe you are seeing the problem in the wrong way??? please xplain a little more what are you trying to achieve (the whole idea)...



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Old May 21st, 2007, 01:56 PM
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Hi, Imar, anyone,

Please help!
I have a project also. In my project I’ m having one dropdownlstbox in that it displays All distinct State, In the State table, there are NY1, NY2, NJ1, NJ2, NJ3 , CA1, CA2… I just want to show the ONLY different state, So I use:
Select distinct state from State,
then dropdownlstbox only show NY, NJ, CA, do not NY1, NY2, NJ1, NJ2, NJ3 , CA1, CA2 …
Then I want to show the details from specific state if i m selecting any satae in the dropdownlistbox then the corresponding records values should be retrive from State table and relationshop tables, But can not get them, Because each state has state1, state2, For example, selecting NY, NY including NY1, NY2…,
Please help!

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