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Old September 3rd, 2007, 10:39 AM
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Default list.exists

I am going crazy with lists statements...

I have a list(of T) = mylist(of category)

My category is:

I need to a search if that list contains any category with "parentID" equal to the currentID that i Have

I try to do something

mylist.Exists(....(any category with parentID = x))

But don't had succeed with all my tryings..
I had spend all night searching for this without success

I know search values in datatable by rows values...
But how can i do it with list(of T) ?

Thanks very much

Old September 3rd, 2007, 11:02 AM
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hi there..

did you read this:



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Old September 3rd, 2007, 11:44 AM
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But this example is for an unidimensional list:

>List(Of String)

This example show how can we count any occurrence of an item!

But in my case I need to check an occurrence of an item that have "parentID" equal to xxx (for example)

Old September 3rd, 2007, 11:48 AM
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yes. but you have to change the method to do the search in the type of objects you are using.. in your case you will read every category object until you find the one you want...



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Old September 3rd, 2007, 12:07 PM
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I already read every value... But if it is the only way i need to do 2 reads :(
Private Sub PopulateTVNodes(ByVal li As List(Of BLL.Articles.Category), _
      ByVal nodes As TreeNodeCollection)

            For Each categ As BLL.Articles.Category In li
                Dim tn As New TreeNode()

                If categ.ParentID = 0 Then
                    tn.Text = categ.Name
                    tn.Value = categ.ID

                    tn.PopulateOnDemand = li.Exists(...If any item has the currentParentID on his parentID run populate...)

                End If
End Sub
Old September 3rd, 2007, 12:11 PM
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and how did you code the exists delegate??



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Old September 3rd, 2007, 02:19 PM
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quote:Originally posted by Maxxim
quote:Originally posted by gbianchi
 and how did you code the exists delegate??
It's that I want to know... :(

I will use a worst solution:

Private Sub PopulateTVNodes(ByVal li As List(Of BLL.Articles.Category), _
      ByVal nodes As TreeNodeCollection)

            For Each categ As BLL.Articles.Category In li
                Dim tn As New TreeNode()

                If categ.ParentID = 0 Then
                    tn.Text = categ.Name
                    tn.Value = categ.ID

                    'tn.PopulateOnDemand = li.Exists(...If any item has the currentParentID on his parentID run populate...)
                    For Each Allcateg As BLL.Articles.Category In li
                        If Allcateg.ParentID = categ.ID Then
                            tn.PopulateOnDemand = True
                            Exit For
                        End If

                End If
End Sub

Old September 3rd, 2007, 02:23 PM
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well.. that's not the worst solution.. that's "the solution"... maybe if your data is not too much you can try using a dictionary??? that way it will have a way to look out for values (e.g. you could us the id as the key)...



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Old September 3rd, 2007, 02:46 PM
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Yeah, I agree. It's not that bad. Find, or Exist, or Contains basically carry out the same looping code anyway.

Doug's suggestion for another tracking collection like a dictionary may speed things up a little.

If you were using C#, you could use anonymous delegates to accomplish the same, but with less code. I realize the following is of no use to you because you write in VB, but it's an interesting solution (IMO) nonetheless:
public static bool DemoMethod()
  List<Category> myList = new List<Category>();
  myList.Add(new Category() { ParentId = 10, Id = 1 });
  myList.Add(new Category() { ParentId = 14, Id = 2 });
  myList.Add(new Category() { ParentId = 12, Id = 3 });

  int parentId = 14;
  return myList.Exists(delegate(Category myCategory) { return myCategory.ParentId == parentId; });
The code uses C# 3 object initializers to quickly fill the list, but you can of course replace that with another way to fill the list (I just needed some sample data). Additionally, it uses a hardcoded value for the parentId, but it gets the job done. The anonymous delegate is like an inline method. You send it an instance of Category which you can use to compare its ParentId to the parentId variable in the method body.

Again, a useless reply in your situation, but it may help someone else who needs a C# version in the future.

Cheers, and sorry for the off-topic reply..... ;)


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Old September 3rd, 2007, 02:52 PM
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quote:Originally posted by Imar
 Doug's suggestion for another tracking collection like a dictionary may speed things up a little.

I'm Doug?? ;) or there is a post that I didn't see?? :D

And since when your interventions are useless??? you are always welcome...



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