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Old September 18th, 2008, 09:22 AM
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Default Trouble Using For Next Statement

Hi, I am returning records from my database as follows:

3 Elementary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
3 Elementary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
3 Elementary Teaching Learning Disabilities
3 Elementary Teaching Mental Retardation
4 Early Childhood Teaching Self Contained General Education Age 0 - Grade 3
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Disabilities
9 Secondary Teaching Mental Retardation

What I want is the following:
3 Elementary Teaching
Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
Learning Disabilities
Mental Retardation

4 Early Childhood Teaching
Self Contained General Education Age 0 - Grade 3

9 Secondary Teaching
Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
Learning Disabilities
Mental Retardation

Where 3,4 and 9 are the cert codes; Elementary Teaching, Early Childhood Teaching and Secondary Teaching are the cert desc; Learning Behavior Spe*****t I, Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising, Mental Retardation, etc are the endrs desc.

My code is not returning the desired results. Here is the code:
  If p_intRecords > 0 Then
      For p_intCount = 0 To p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_int Count).Item("cert_renew_fy").ToString) Then
                    strRenewYr = " Not Registered"
                    strRenewYr = "06/30/" & CStr(CInt(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item ("cert_renew_fy")) - 1)
                    End If
                    p_strCerts &= "Cert Code:" & CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("cer t_code")) & ", "
                    p_strCerts &= CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("cer t_desc"))
                    p_strCerts &= ControlChars.CrLf

For p_intCountEndrs = 0 To p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
    p_strEndrs &= "Endrs:" & CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("end rs_desc")) & ", "

          p_strCombo = p_strCerts & p_strEndrs
          p_strCombo &= ControlChars.CrLf


Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks

Old September 18th, 2008, 09:48 AM
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Looks like the second for next should not read the row count.. maybe another thing?



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^^Took that from dparsons signature and he Took that from planoie's profile
================================================== =========
My programs achieved a new certification (can you say the same?):
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I know that CVS was evil, and now i got the proof:
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Old September 18th, 2008, 11:10 AM
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Actually, the code that returns the following:

3 Elementary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
3 Elementary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
3 Elementary Teaching Learning Disabilities
3 Elementary Teaching Mental Retardation
4 Early Childhood Teaching Self Contained General Education Age 0 - Grade 3
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Behavior Spe*****t I-Supervising
9 Secondary Teaching Learning Disabilities
9 Secondary Teaching Mental Retardation

is the following code:
   If p_intRecords > 0 Then
      For p_intCount = 0 To p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
         If String.IsNullOrEmpty(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_int Count).Item("cert_renew_fy").ToString) Then
                    strRenewYr = " Not Registered"
                    strRenewYr = "06/30/" & CStr(CInt(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item ("cert_renew_fy")) - 1)
                    End If
                    p_strCerts &= "Cert Code:" & CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("cer t_code")) & ", "
                    p_strCerts &= CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("cer t_desc")) & ", "
                    p_strCerts &= "Endrs:" & CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("end rs_desc")) & ", "
          If CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("end rs_grd_lvl").ToString.Trim) <> vbNullString Then
                        p_strCerts &= "Endrs Grade Lvl:" & CStr(p_dsData.Tables(0).Rows(p_intCount).Item("end rs_grd_lvl")) & ", "
          End If

        p_strCerts &= "Registered Through: " & strRenewYr
        p_strCerts &= ControlChars.CrLf

I added the additional FOR NEXT in an attempt to return ONLY the Endrs Desc for the Cert Code in the intial FOR statement.

Old September 18th, 2008, 11:17 AM
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Did you trace your code?? this can be easily fixed tracing the error..



================================================== =========
Read this if you want to know how to get a correct reply for your question:
^^Took that from dparsons signature and he Took that from planoie's profile
================================================== =========
My programs achieved a new certification (can you say the same?):
================================================== =========
I know that CVS was evil, and now i got the proof:
================================================== =========
Old September 18th, 2008, 04:27 PM
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Not sure why you are surprised that the names aren't "grouped". You have no code whatsoever in there that even attempts to group them.

I'm not sure this is what you want, but see if it gets you closer:
If p_intRecords > 0 Then
    Dim curTable As DataTable = p_dsData.Tables(0)
    Dim curCertCode As String = ""
    For p_intCount = 0 To curTable.Rows.Count - 1
        Dim curRow As DataRow = curTable.Rows(p_intCount)
        Dim certCode As String = CStr(curRow.Item("cert_code"))
        If curCertCode <> certCode Then
            ' when cert_code changes, then and only then add a row for the cert code:
            curCertCode = certCode
            p_strCerts &= "Cert Code:" & curCertCode & ",  " _
                        & CStr(curRow.Item("cert_desc")) & ControlChars.CrLf
        End If
        Dim strRenewYear As String = curRow.Item("cert_renew_fy").ToString
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(strRenewYear) Then
            strRenewYr = " Not Registered"
            strRenewYr = "06/30/" & CStr( CInt(strRenewYear)-1 )
        End If
        p_strCerts &= "Endrs:" & CStr(curRow.Item("endrs_desc")) & ",  "
        Dim grdLvl As String = curRow.Item("endrs_grd_lvl").ToString.Trim
        If grdLvl <> vbNullString Then p_strCerts &= "Endrs Grade Lvl:" & grdLvl & ",  "
        p_strCerts &= "Registered Through: " & strRenewYr
        p_strCerts &= ControlChars.CrLf
End If
Notice how I have used intermediate variables to shorten the code and, not so incidentally, make it run faster.
Old September 18th, 2008, 05:03 PM
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Some minor improvements (and a correction) to that code:

If p_intRecords > 0 Then
    Dim curTable As DataTable = p_dsData.Tables(0)
    Dim curCertCode As String = ""
    For Each curRow As DataRow in curTable.Rows
        Dim certCode As String = CStr(curRow.Item("cert_code"))
        If curCertCode <> certCode Then
            ' when cert_code changes, then and only then add a row for the cert code:
            curCertCode = certCode
            p_strCerts &= "Cert Code:" & curCertCode & ",  " _
                        & CStr(curRow.Item("cert_desc")) & ControlChars.CrLf
        End If

        ' notice how we put responsibility of the comma 
        ' onto the *following* data, not the preceding:
        p_strCerts &= "Endrs:" & CStr(curRow.Item("endrs_desc")) 
        Dim grdLvl As String = curRow.Item("endrs_grd_lvl").ToString.Trim
        If grdLvl <> vbNullString Then p_strCerts &= ", Endrs Grade Lvl:" & grdLvl 

        ' not best way to do all this, but at least better now
        Dim strRenew As String = curRow.Item("cert_renew_fy").ToString
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(strRenew) Then
            strRenew = ", Not Registered"
            strRenew = ", Registered through 06/30/" & CStr( CInt(strRenew)-1 )
        End If
        p_strCerts &= strRenew & ControlChars.CrLf
End If
Old September 18th, 2008, 05:09 PM
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Is anybody besides me amused that
    S p e c i a l i s t
is displayed here as

And of course that is because it contains the letters "c i a l i s" which *OF COURSE* constitute spam.

The other day, I saw
    M o u s e X
turned into

Come on forum admins! If people are registered, don't apply ticky-tacky stupid filters like that! If the abuse posting priveleges, block them from posting and delete their posts. But don't turn good code into meaningless hash.
Old September 18th, 2008, 05:53 PM
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Hi Old Pedant. Let's continue the character substitution and spam discussion over here:

Jim Minatel
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Old September 19th, 2008, 08:40 AM
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Old Pendant, your code seems to work great (although I am throwing an error in debug mode in another block of code now)!! With your code and in Debug mode, I saw what I was looking for. I really appreciate your help (and the input from others) in getting me over the hump!!

Old September 19th, 2008, 09:44 AM
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Old Pedant (sorry for the last post where I misspelled your moniker) the code works PERFECT!!


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