Accessing dynamically created markup in Request
I'm new to ASP, but have some experience with client side code. I'm writing an app to allow the user to design a crossword grid. I have an empty asp:table control in the asp page, then dynamically create the grid in code behind depending on the size the user wants. Then in client-side code the user can add the black squares to the grid, which is done by tagging the td's with css classes. I want to be able to access this amended table html back at the server. I have been trying to use the request.inputstream method the get the response code into an xmlReader to be able to access it in a structured way, but the request html appears not to be parseable as xml. My question is, is there a way to get DOM like access to the response in ASP, or am I looking at this in the wrong way?
Last edited by stuart_andrews; June 16th, 2009 at 07:26 AM..
Reason: typo