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Old June 15th, 2010, 06:35 AM
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Arrow How to deliver the contact form information on yahoo email ?

This is Abhishek Kumar from India.
I am designing a website for myself which contains a contact form.
I want that when user fill the form and click the send button the
mail should be delivered on my yahoo mail id [email protected].
For that I want to know what is smpt server address of yahoo.
Does it need any authetication? What is port number. Simply I want to know What would be the web.fig programming
so that the mail deliver on my yahoo accout.
Kindly help me so that I could complete my project on time.
Abhishek Kumar
Old June 15th, 2010, 10:52 AM
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You can send mail to any email address from any SMTP server you have access to. You do not need to talk to the SMTP server that hosts the email account. Where will your website be hosted? Most web hosting providers have SMTP servers that can be access from their web servers. This you can find in the host's documentation. Otherwise, look on the yahoo site for information about their SMTP server and what it requires.

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